Northern Michigan Garden Maintenance, Renovation & Design
6829 Herkner Road Traverse City, MI 49685
04 Feb 2013

Gardening Questions Or Compost Questions??? We Love Your Questions!

questions-anyoneWe want your gardening and composting questions!
Please submit them as a comment on this post, on our Facebook page, or email them.  I will be responding to most of them on The Mossy Tree blog or our Facebook page.

I will also be selecting 2 people (per month) to win a gardening related prize. (only within the US). There may also be some surprise prizes as well.

29 Apr 2012


Do you ever listen to podcasts? Not only are they downright interesting, they are super convenient to listen to: in the car, at home, or even while you are gardening! Here are a few of our favorites:

-Vegetable Gardening

– Tip of the Week

-Garden How-To

Try ’em out. Tell us which ones you loved! Share all the tips you learn! Enjoy.
